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Webinar: Financial Control in an 
AI powered World

Date: 29th August, 12PM-1PM (AEST)

Frame 409








Cyber-crime and payment fraud have exploded over the past few years. Now, the rapid emergence of AI-powered deep-fakery provides cyber-criminals with even more tools for trying to defraud you. Add the growing virtualisation and velocity of business, and it leaves you wondering what's actually real and what can be trusted.

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Event Details

Join us as we explore how to maintain financial control in a world with AI-enabled cybercrime. We'll discuss:

  • How AI is enabling a new frontier of cyber-crime and fraud, including business email compromise (BEC) attacks
  • Why deep-fake technology is changing our understanding of evidence and truth
  • Strategies that different sectors, including the government, banks, and private enterprises, are using to fight back
  • The strengths and limitations of various approaches and technologies
  • How to maintain financial and payment control in this new era

Our Presenters

Gavin Headshot Circle

Gavin Levinsohn

Chief Growth Officer, Eftsure